1.0 General
1.1 Signing the booking form constitutes you to these full terms & conditions as set out below. I have the right to change these T&C’s at any time.
1.2 Please make sure you have holiday insurance with suitable cover in case you have to cancel. Having no Insurance means you could lose all your money.
1.3 I accept responsibility for those arrangements for your holiday, which are within my control. I cannot accept liability if your unable to fulfil your holiday for any reason, or for any type of cancellation you make being through any accidents, injury, loss, damage, suffered by you, or any member of your party, including personal belongings before or during your stay in your holiday home, this is why you need holiday insurance, don’t be complacent.
1.4 In the event of any problems or complaint regarding your holiday home, you must bring it to my attention as soon as possible during your holiday, do not allow Haven to carry out repairs, I get charged, in turn you will lose part or all of your bond. I have systems in place to deal with eventualities.
1.5 Your accommodation should be available from 2pm (subject to unavoidable delays) and vacated at the end of your holiday by 9.30am.
1.6 A Full Linen Pack, including duvets, duvet covers, pillow cases and sheets are provided in the caravan if booking without Pets.
1.7 If booking with pets, you will need to bring your own bedding (i.e.) Pillow Cases, Sheets and Duvet Covers. (Pillows & Duvets will be provided only)
1.8 You will need to supply your own tea towels, towels, toilet tissue, soap etc.
1.9 Gas and Electricity is included and this caravan is fully alarmed with security response.
1.10 Please note that your Play / Entertainment passes are not included in your holiday price but can be purchased from reception for an additional fee, which will be the responsibility of yourselves. Passes and events are subject to availability.
1.11 If anyone has any allergies to pets, then this caravan may not be suitable. Also bare in mind that pet hair may still be visible.
1.12 Free Broadband WIFI is available, this is not part of your holiday price. If the WIFI is problematic this is not my problem but please do report faults to me. If you press the reset switch on the router, you will cause a network failure, doing so will mean part or all of your bond will be used to pay for the call out charge to rectify.
2.0 Deposits / Booking Fee
2.1 A £100 deposit p/week is required to secure your reservation. This is classed as a non-refundable booking fee/deposit.
3.0 Returnable Security Bond
3.1 There is in addition to the holiday price a returnable security bond of £100 p/week for no pets or £150 p/week if pets are staying. This will be returned to you once the holiday home has been inspected for pet hair, Items missing, damaged, including fixtures, fittings, floors and walls, Broadband Network Failure (Reset Switch) Then any cutlery, cookware's, cooker, grill, fridge, microwave, cupboards, sink, floors, walls, furniture, carpets, etc, that are left in a dirty or grubby condition will mean that your bond will be partly or fully used to make things right. In cases where the damage exceeds the bond, then you will be liable for the remainder. If you fail to pay, then I may take you to court or use a debt collecting agency where their fees will apply. I don't expect you to clean the caravan like I do, but a concerted effort must be made. Cleaning products are left available for you. The outside of the caravan will also be inspected for dog faeces. Over occupying the caravan will also mean the loss of your bond.
4.0 Bookings
4.1 I have a choice of payment options, but you must complete the booking form and return within 3 days via e-mail
4.2 For bookings with more than 56 days/8 weeks to commencement then paying via Online Banking Payment (Bacs), Cheque or Cash can be used. Please note your deposit is non-refundable as this is also your booking fee.
4.3 If you book within 56 days (8 weeks) of your holiday, then you have two options A or B: Which one you choose though, must be paid before midnight, via Online Banking Payment Method to secure your holiday.
Option A – Is to pay the full total cost of your holiday.
Option B – Is to pay 50% of the total holiday cost, with the remainder is to be paid on your holiday start date.
4.4 Bookings by post (cheques) are provisionally held for 3 days. Complete and return the booking form with payment. Please inform me immediately if you decide not to take up your booking.
4.5 On receipt of your completed booking form, a confirmation of booking will be sent out to you showing the full cost of your holiday and the date the balance is due.
4.6 Failure to pay your holiday balance by the due date will tell me that you longer require your holiday and your booking will be terminated, re-let and subjected to the cancellation fees as detailed below. For those guests paying any monies or the remaining 50% of their holiday on the day of arrival. If you fail to arrive by 3pm on the day of arrival and having tried to contact you 5 times. I will be treated this as you know longer require the holiday, your booking will be terminated and lose all monies paid. As in all cases you will have breached these T&C’s and I have the right to re-let the accommodation.
4.7 The booking form must be signed by a person over the age of 21 years who agrees on behalf of all named persons to abide by the booking conditions. All bookings are accepted entirely at my discretion. Haven do not accept groups under the age of 21, I require the right to decline or terminate the booking of any guest(s) at any time, whose party makes up, or their behaviour interferes or may interfere with the general comfort of other holidaymakers. In this event no refunds will be made.
5.0 Payment Methods
5.1 Online Banking (Bank Transfers):- You'll need to set up a New Recipient, these will be emailed to you with a booking form once you have confirmed you wish to book
5.2 PayPal (Debit/Credit Cards, PayPal):- Once again these details will be e-mailed to you once you confirm a booking.
5.3 Cheques: Please make Payable to: - Details will be supplied
5.4 Pay on Arrival
This facility is only used in special circumstances and at our discretion.
6.0 Instalments
6.1 You may send a number of payments (minimum £50) either by cheque, online banking or PayPal, on account free of charge and spread the cost of your holiday, provided that the total cost is paid in full 56 days (8 weeks) before the date of your holiday. If you pay by cheque, clearing time will be required. An updated confirmation will be sent to you on receipt of each payment.
7.0 Keys
The keys can be collected in several ways, this will be decided within 1 weeks of your holiday start date, subject to final payments being made. I may greet you on the day or you may need to go to reception with a key release form (This will be sent to you which you need to take to reception to acquire the keys) Someone else may greet you or the most likely way will be for the keys to be in a key lock on the side of the caravan (this code will be sent to you)
8.0 Pets
8.1 By signing these T&C’s you are agreeing to be the one responsible for the Dog(s) no matter whom they belong to or are in the possession of at any time.
8.2 Pets are defined as Dogs only; only well behaved and trained dogs are allowed; I will need to know what Breed of dog(s) your wanting to bring as certain breeds are not allowed on the park. I will also need to need know age and sex, the maximum allowed is 2. Only the Dog(s) listed on the booking form are entitled to occupy the caravan
8.3 The animal’s welfare is the upmost, Do Not Leave a Dog(s) unattended in the caravan.
8.4 There’s an extra £50 p/pet p/week added to the holiday price.
8.5 Items You Must Bring
Your Own Bedding (i.e.) Sheets, Pillow Cases, Duvet Covers. (Pillows and Duvets are Provided)
Pet Bedding
Sheets/Covers for the Furniture
Pet Towels
Pet Food
Pet Dishes/Bowls
8.6 Whilst staying with your Dog(s) at the caravan, make sure all faeces are picked up if your Dog(s) fouls around the caravan. This is very important as the next guests may have children that like to play on the grass. It’s best practice to take your Dog(s) away from the caravan so as they can do their business.
8.7 Dog(s) paws can be muddy, just like our footwear becomes. Please wipe your Pet(s) feet’s every time they come in from the outside to stop marks on the carpets and furniture. You will be billed for marks left behind.
8.8 If your pet(s) becomes wet from the outside, dry them off. Don't allow them to just wonder off into any of the rooms. Dog(s) will shake and run their ears along furnishings. Pay attention and watch the walls, units, furniture etc for marks.
8.9 You will be billed for excess cleaning.
9.0 Cancellation
If you cancel your holiday you must notify us in writing. The date of cancellation is when we receive notification. In the event of cancellation, sliding scales of charges apply as laid out below. If you cancel more than 56 days before your start date, then your deposit will be forfeited. If you cancel on or within 56 days you will be liable for the following percentages of the total holiday cost. Cancel 56 – 43 days before the holiday start date = 50% of total holiday cost. Cancel 42 – 21 days before the holiday start date = 75% of total holiday cost. Cancel 20 day or less before the holiday start date = No Refund –
(Example) If your total holiday cost was £500 and you cancelled 56-43 days before your holiday started you would lose 50% of that £500, returning a refund £250
10.0 Amendments
If you wish to change your booking dates, then this is classed as a cancellation. Only the persons listed on the booking form are entitled to occupy the caravan allocated. However, I will, allow extra people after the initial booking, up to the maximum capacity of the caravan being 6 persons for an additional charge of £20 p/person p/week. For Pets it’s £50 p/pet p/week This arrangement is entirely at my discretion, and must be agreed to by me. Anyone found to have more persons in occupation than the number booked or extra pet’s is liable to have their booking terminated forthwith, with no refund and lose their security bond and be removed from the caravan. There are other owners like ourselves that look after each other to make sure caravans are not abused.
T&C's Number 3.0